i gotta reteach myself html and css and java probably from the ground up. the last time i thought about any of those languages was in high school i think, this could be quite the process.

anyway hi there. name's Phoebe. you can find me at various other locations on the internet. i write Begroun, which is a part of Ulina. this is my pronouns page. i am queer, transgender, bisexual, polyamorous, neurodivergent, kind-of-not-quite a system.

i'm a college student working towards a BA in theater, and after that hopefully a MFA in technical direction. i love technical theater like it is my baby basically. i have been in the scene since i was a little bitty infant. in my spare time i like to bake, cycle, play guitar, worldbuild (especially for ttrpgs), listen to any genre of music that has anti-establishment roots, and play video games.

i don't know what i'm going to put here yet. i've been thinking about making one of these for a while and now that i have it i'm sort of at a loss. maybe this will serve as sort of a repository for anything i want to put on the internet. we shall see.

here you can find things i've made